Psalm 119:72

(This is an entry from a devotional commentary I am working on from Psalm 119 entitled ‘God and His Word’.  The introduction can be found here, successive entries have covered the 22 sections of the Psalm, and following entries verse by verse.)


"The law of Your mouth is better to me

Than thousands of gold and silver pieces."


If this is to be believed, I am set not only for life, but for eternity.  See also Psalm 119:14, Psalm 119:162.  I think of the worldly exhilaration of having a ‘pile of gold’.  To many, the thought is winning the lottery (notwithstanding the warnings against gaining wealth too quickly (e.g. Proverbs 20:21).  Imagine having access to a supreme king and all his resources.  I believe that is the sense here.  Note ‘law of Your mouth’.  This is personal speech from You, Lord.  Incredible.  How can I not be attentive and receive all that I can as You speak personally to me?  With riches, I take it and do whatever I want in this world.  With Your word, I receive it deeply into my soul and do what You desire, ultimate wisdom and prosperity.  We see the words of Your mouth also in Psalm 119:13, Psalm 119:88.  In Psalm 33:6 we see Your word created all things! (see also Hebrews 1:1-3)  In Psalm 138:4, all kings will give thanks to You, having heard the words of Your mouth. 


‘…by his afflictions he learned God's statutes, an the profit did so much counterbalance the loss, he was really a gainer by them; for God's law, which he got acquaintance with by his affliction, was better to him than all the gold and silver which he lost by his affliction. 1. David had but a little of the word of God in comparison with what we have, yet see how highly he valued it;… He had a great deal of gold and silver in comparison with what we have, yet see how little he valued it. His riches increased, and yet he did not set his heart upon them, but upon the word of God. That was better to him, yielded him better pleasures, and better maintenance, and a better inheritance, than all the treasures he was master of.’[1]


‘Things written are as dried herbs; but speech has a liveliness and dew about it. We do well to look upon the word of the Lord as though it were newly spoken into our ear; for in very truth it is not decayed by years, but is as forcible and sure as though newly uttered. Precepts are prized when it is seen that they come forth from the lips of our Father who is in heaven. The same lips which spoke us into existence have spoken the law by which we are to govern that existence… Wealth is good in some respects, but obedience is better in all respects… It is a sure sign of a heart which has learned God's statutes when it prizes them above all earthly possessions; and it is an equally certain mark of grace when the precepts of Scripture are as precious as its promises. The Lord cause us thus to prize the law of his mouth.

See how this portion of the Psalm is flavoured with goodness. God's dealings are good (Psa 119:65), holy judgment is good (Psa 119:66), affliction is good (Psa 119:67), God is good (Psa 119:68), and here the law is not only good, but better than the best of treasure. Lord, make us good through thy good word. Amen.’[2]

[1] Henry, Matthew, Commentary on the Whole Bible, on Psalm 119:72, e-Sword edition

[2] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119:72, e-Sword edition


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