Psalm 119:40

(This is an entry from a devotional commentary I am working on from Psalm 119 entitled God and His Word.  The introduction can be found here, successive entries have covered the 22 sections of the Psalm, and following entries verse by verse.)

"Behold, I long for Your precepts;

Revive me through Your righteousness."


How does the Psalmist long for Your precepts?  To the point of transformation, not simply information.  ‘Long’ has the sense of ‘inherent desire’.  ‘Revive’ is the Hebrew חָיָה, ḥāyāh: A verb meaning to be alive, to live, to keep alive. This verb is used numerous times in Scripture…Psalm 119 employs this word to say that God's Word preserves life (Psa 119:25, Psa 119:37, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:88).   One would even say that it creates life, making alive.  In this sense, the prayer is being answered while the prayer is being uttered (Isaiah 65:24, Matthew 6:8), for surely only Your revival can create longing for You.  The answer is personal, not simply Your word, but Your righteousness.  Surely You come with Your word (Psalm 119:151), and righteousness clothes those who are Yours (Psalm 24:5, Isaiah 59:17, Isaiah 61:10).  Note the association of righteousness with salvation.


‘He is deeply bowed down by a sense of his weakness and need of grace; but he does desire to be in all things conformed to the divine will. Where our longings are, there are we in the sight of God.. We need quickening every hour of the day for we are so sadly apt to become slow and languid in the ways of God. It is the Holy Spirit who can pour new life into us; let us not cease crying to him. Let the life we already possess show itself by longing for more.[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119:40, e-Sword edition


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