Psalm 119:30

(This is an entry from a devotional commentary I am working on from Psalm 119 entitled God and His Word.  The introduction can be found here, successive entries have covered the 22 sections of the Psalm, and following entries verse by verse.)


“I have chosen the faithful way;

I have placed Your ordinances before me."


May my resolve be of You, my dependence upon You for the ability to follow through.  You have made Your word so clear!  So often my confusion arises from my compromise.  The ‘faithful way’ indicates that the Psalmist commits himself not simply to faithful thinking (although it must start here), but to a faithful ‘way’, that is, doing.  How much time is wasted in indecision and compromise!   Make me true and united in heart towards you (Psalm 86:11).


‘…a man must choose one or the other, for there cannot be any neutrality in the case. Men do not drop into the right way by chance; they must choose it, and continue to choose it, or they will soon wander from it. Those whom God has chosen in due time choose his way.  There is a doctrinal way of truth which we ought to choose, rejecting every dogma of man's devising; there is a ceremonial way of truth which we should follow, detesting all the forms which apostate churches have invented; and then there is a practical way of truth, the way of holiness, to which we must adhere whatever may be our temptation to forsake it… Men do not become holy by a careless wish: there must be study, consideration, deliberation, and earnest enquiry, or the way of truth will be missed. The commands of God must be set before us as the mark to aim at, the model to work by, the road to walk in. If we put God's judgments into the background we shall soon find ourselves departing from them.’[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119:30, e-Sword edition


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