Psalm 119:14

(This is an entry from a devotional commentary I am working on from Psalm 119 entitled God and His Word.  The introduction can be found here, successive entries have covered the 22 sections of the Psalm, and following entries verse by verse.)

"I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies,

As much as in all riches."


In one of the most stunning verses in the Bible, the Psalmist in Beth continues to rise up in praise as he seeks victory over sin, to be trained by You, and to proclaim Your truth.  As he reflects on these, he recognizes what he has, incalculable riches!  ‘Oh that my ways may be established’ (v.5) is expressed in so many ways in this Psalm.  As much as in all riches?  How excited one is at the thought of winning the lottery (actually a foolish and dangerous thing, Proverbs 13:11), or coming into an inheritance, somehow being ‘set for life’.  Father, we are not only set for this life, but for eternity!  Why is my level of rejoicing so low?  ‘Rejoice’ is the Hebrew שׂוּשׂ, śûś, śiyś: A verb meaning to rejoice; to exalt; to be glad. It is a verb that indicates great rejoicing and jubilant celebration.  ‘Way of Your testimonies/precepts/commandments/statues’ occurs (in order) in Psalm 119:14, Psalm 119:27, Psalm 119:32-33, and refers to the pathway or pattern of one’s life which follows Your ways.  See also Isaiah 26:8, which directs our desires towards You, our ultimate treasure (Psalm 73:25-26).  In the New Testament, the Apostle prays that the eyes of our heart will be open to see the reality of these riches (see Ephesians 1:15-23, which prays towards seeing the infinite riches of Ephesians 1:1-14).  Reflecting on Psalm 119:111-112, may my heart be inclined towards my inheritance!  May I rejoice as one who has found great spoil (Psalm 119:72, Psalm 119:162)!


I have rejoiced in this as much as in all riches, as much as ever any worldling rejoiced in the increase of his wealth. In the way of God's commandments I can truly say, Soul, take thy ease;” in true religion there is all riches, the unsearchable riches of Christ.’[1]


‘Delight in the Word of God is a sure proof that it has taken effect on the heart, and so is cleansing the life… The way was as dear to him as the Truth and the Life. There was no picking and choosing with David, or if he actually made a selection, he chose the most practical first. Above all riches. He compared his intense satisfaction with God’s will with that of a man who possesses large and varied estates and the heart to enjoy them.’[2]

[1] Henry, Matthew, Commentary on the Whole Bible, on Psalm 119:14, e-Sword edition

[2] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon . The Golden Alphabet (Updated, Annotated): An Exposition of Psalm 119 (pp. 34-35). Aneko Press. Kindle Edition.


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