Psalm 119:3

"They also do no unrighteousness;

They walk in His ways."


In this description of this man blessed beyond compare by 1) being blameless, walking in Your law (v.1) , and 2) seeking You with all their heart by observing Your testimonies (v.2),  we see now he does no unrighteousness by means of walking in Your ways.  I am reminded of Psalm 11:7 and Psalm 12:6, namely, the purity of those who follow the purity of Your Word.  He is single minded in his understanding and actions.  Psalm 119:9-11.  There is no magic formula and there are ‘no additives required.’  In our pride, we want to add to Your word - yet that is a sure path to untruth and unrighteousness.  ‘"Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar."  (Proverbs 30:6)


‘Life, to the outward observer, at any rate, lies much in doing, and he who in his doings never swerves from equity, both towards God and man, has hit upon the way of perfection, and we may be sure that his heart is right… they are honest, upright, and chaste, and touching justice and morality they are blameless. Therefore are they happy… It is not enough to them to be blameless, they wish also to be actively righteous… a saint lives in society that he may serve his God by walking in his ways… The surest way to abstain from evil is to be fully occupied in doing good. This verse describes believers as they exist among us: although they have their faults and infirmities, yet they hate evil, and will not permit themselves to do it; they love the ways of truth, right and true godliness, mid habitually they walk therein. They do not claim to be absolutely perfect except in their desires, and there they are pure indeed, for they pant to be kept from all sin, and to be led into all holiness.’[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119:3, e-Sword edition


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