Psalm 119 - Tav: Let it Be

"Tav. Let my cry come before You, O LORD;

Give me understanding according to Your word.

[170] Let my supplication come before You;

Deliver me according to Your word.

[171] Let my lips utter praise,

For You teach me Your statutes.

[172] Let my tongue sing of Your word,

For all Your commandments are righteousness.

[173] Let Your hand be ready to help me,

For I have chosen Your precepts.

[174] I long for Your salvation, O LORD,

And Your law is my delight.

[175] Let my soul live that it may praise You,

And let Your ordinances help me.

[176] I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant,

For I do not forget Your commandments." 

(Psalm 119:169-176)


‘Let’ my cry come before You (v. 169), my supplication come before You (v. 170), my lips utter praise (v. 171), my tongue sing of Your word (v. 172), Your hand be ready to help me (v. 173), my soul live (v. 175), and Your ordinances help me (v. 175).  Like one being lifted out of the pit, the Psalmist is revived and delivered (vv. 169-170) to the place of worship from seeing and learning Your word (vv. 171-172), resolve in them (v. 173), longing and delight (v. 174), and a life assured that is sustained by Your active, seeking word (vv. 175-176).


‘The psalmist is now at the last section of the psalm, and his petitions gather still more force and fervency. He seems to break into the inner circle of divine fellowship and to even come to the feet of the great God for whose help He is pleading. This nearness creates the lowliest view of himself and leads him to close the psalm, prostrate in the dust, in deepest self-humiliation, begging to be sought out like a lost sheep.’[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon . The Golden Alphabet (Updated, Annotated): An Exposition of Psalm 119 (pp. 259-260). Aneko Press. Kindle Edition.


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