Psalm 119 - Qoph: Heart Cry

Qoph. I cried with all my heart; answer me, O LORD!

I will observe Your statutes.

[146] I cried to You; save me

And I shall keep Your testimonies.

[147] I rise before dawn and cry for help;

I wait for Your words.

[148] My eyes anticipate the night watches,

That I may meditate on Your word.

[149] Hear my voice according to Your lovingkindness;

Revive me, O LORD, according to Your ordinances.

[150] Those who follow after wickedness draw near;

They are far from Your law.

[151] You are near, O LORD,

And all Your commandments are truth.

[152] Of old I have known from Your testimonies

That You have founded them forever." 

(Psalm 119:145-152)


The sacrificial cry here is echoed in Proverbs 2:1-5, particularly v.3.  Note the sacrifice of heart (v. 145), desperate need (v. 146), and sleep (v. 147) due to the anticipated benefit (v. 148).  The Psalmist would be revived (v. 149), protected (vv. 150-151), and grounded (v. 152).  Reflecting on v. 151, since Your nearness is the ultimate good (Psalm 73:28), and there is no truth apart from You (Psalm 31:5), we are strong and secure.


‘This section is given up to memories of prayer. The Psalmist describes the time and the manner of his devotions, and pleads with God for deliverance from his troubles. He who has been with God in the closet will find God with him in the furnace. If we have cried we shall be answered. Delayed answers may drive us to importunity; but we need not fear the ultimate result, since God's promises are not uncertain, but are “founded for ever.” The whole passage shows us: How he prayed (Psa 119:145). What he prayed for (Psa 119:146). When he prayed (Psa 119:147). How long he prayed (Psa 119:148). What he pleaded (Psa 119:149). What happened (Psa 119:150). How he was rescued (Psa 119:151). What was his witness as to the whole matter (Psa 119:152).’[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119 - Qoph, e-Sword edition


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