Psalm 119 - Teth: Treasure in Affliction

Teth: ‘Treasure in Affliction’


"(65) Teth. You have dealt well with Your servant,

O LORD, according to Your word.

(66) Teach me good discernment and knowledge,

For I believe in Your commandments.

(67) Before I was afflicted I went astray,

But now I keep Your word.

(68) You are good and do good;

Teach me Your statutes.

(69) The arrogant have forged a lie against me;

With all my heart I will observe Your precepts.

(70) Their heart is covered with fat,

But I delight in Your law.

(71) It is good for me that I was afflicted,

That I may learn Your statutes.

(72) The law of Your mouth is better to me

Than thousands of gold and silver pieces." 

(Psalm 119:65-72)


Having been dealt well with (v. 65) through affliction that brought learning to the point of obedience (vv. 67, 71), perhaps the greatest benefit to the Psalmist was a teachable spirit (vv. 66, 68), a desire to obey (vv. 69), and a treasuring of true treasure (vv. 70, 72).  ‘Dealt’ has the sense of ‘accomplish’.  Surely ‘the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places’ (Psalm 16:6) not because of my portion in this life, but because You are my portion (Psalm 16:5). 


‘In this ninth section the verses all begin with the letter Teth. They are the witness of experience, testifying to the goodness of God, the graciousness of his dealings, and the preciousness of his word. Especially the Psalmist proclaims the excellent uses of adversity, and the goodness of God in afflicting him. Psa 119:65 is the text of the entire octave.’[1]

[1] Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, Treasury of David, on Psalm 119 - Teth, e-Sword edition


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