So Many Books, So Little Time

The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body.
(Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 NASB)

My love for books seems to grow over the years, even while the time to read them seems to diminish. Thankfully, God is building into me a delight for His word in the Bible (Psalm 1:1-2), which enables me both to rejoice in His sovereignty over my time and to cultivate wisdom and discernment in all that I read.

Perhaps you can relate to the sentiment of Michael Card in the song 'So Many Books', which you can enjoy listening to here:

May God continue both to satisfy us with and to create deeper hunger for His word.

So, how do I choose which books to read with such limited time? I am influenced first by my time in God's word, secondly by family members, thirdly by my church pastors and leaders, and lastly by other friends. I'm also thankful for iPod technology, which enables me to redeem some time in the car and to listen to a number of these titles on audio.

It's pretty dynamic, subject to revision based on that constant input, but here's how that list looks early in 2010:

Recently completed:
  • The Sovereignty of God, A.W. Pink
  • Valley of Vision, Arthur G. Bennett
  • The Prodigal God, Tim Keller
  • Radical Reformission, Mark Driscoll
  • So You Don't Wan't to Go to Church Anymore, Jake Colsen
  • While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks, Dr. Tim Laniak
  • The Constitution of the United States with the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, Intro by R.B. Bernstein

In Progress:
  • The Bible, ESV Study Bible
  • Spiritual Life Studies, Harold Burchett
  • The Complete Husband, Lou Priolo
  • Total Church, Tim Chester and Steve Timmis
  • Pagan Christianity, George Barna and Frank Viola
  • Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot, Admiral James Stockdale
  • Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan, Kim Phillips-Fein

  • 1776, David McCullough
  • A God Entranced Vision of All Things, Edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor
  • Him We Proclaim, Dennis E. Johnson
  • Sola Scriptura, Don Kistler, General Editor
  • The Shape of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison
  • Because the Time is Near, John MacArthur
  • The Second Coming, John MacArthur
  • The Kingdom of Christ, Russell D. Moore
  • Israel and the Church, Ronald E. DiProse
  • Understanding the Times, David A. Noebel

You'll notice a mix of perspectives, Christian and non-Christian, with an attraction to history (current and future!) over fiction.

Of course this week, I head off to sunny California for the Shepherds Conference, where they graciously give us many books, so I anticipate the list will change yet again!

In the meantime, may God's word be like well-driven nails in your life as you seek Him and the counsel of those who love Him, and may you be strengthened and not weary in the journey.



  1. good stuff mark. don't know where you have time to read all this, mr. project manager.
    enjoy walking the road with you.


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