Who is God? Part 5: Life Implications

(Click here for an audio version of this blog entry.  Intro and exit music is from 'Agape' by Forever Endeavor, featuring my sons Luke and Lee)

Today we conclude the series entitled ‘Who is God?’  So far we have covered:
·      Part 3: The Attributes of God

Let’s wrap things up…

How We Respond to God
God did not reveal Himself for the purpose of being argued about!  Here are some of the responses to the reality of God that we are encouraged toward:
·      Lament / Questioning (see Psalm 5, Psalm 22)
·      Fear / Reverence (see Psalm 2, Psalm 99)
·      Trust / Faith (see Psalm 9, Jeremiah 17:7-8)
·      Peace (see Isaiah 26:3)
·      Obedience (1 John 5:3)
·      Love (see Deuteronomy 6:4-5, 1 Peter 1:8)
·      Joy / Delight (see Psalm 37:4, Philippians 4:4)

Be encouraged!  None of our questions need prevent us from responding to God in these healthy ways.

Questions for Reflection
·      If 2 Peter 1:3-4 is true, then every act of obedience can somehow be connected to an attribute of God.  Have you ever considered that?  What are some of the implications to your daily life?

·      Do you struggle with some of the attributes of God?  Why or why not?  If God is perfect, then what can you do to appreciate / love God for these attributes?

·      Do you ever hear or find yourself saying, ‘I could never believe in a God who…..’, or do you hear others saying such things?  How do your impressions of God compare to the reality of how God has revealed Himself?

Recommended Resources
I strongly recommend spending time meditating on an attribute of God each day as part of your spiritual rhythms.  Here are some recommended resources to help you do that:
·      The list of attributes in Part 3 of this series.
·      A regular rhythm of reading Psalms and Proverbs
·      Knowing God, J.I. Packer
·      The Thought of God, Maurice Roberts
·      The Attributes of God, A.W. Pink (available online for free here)
·      Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer
·      Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem.  Part 2 is on the doctrine of God.  This is more of a comprehensive reference work that is highly recommended!

Next, I plan to dive into the heart of God in leading His people.

Until then…



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