Why 'In His Grip'?

In Philippians 3:12, the Apostle Paul explains the reason for which Christ laid hold of him: Christ Himself!

It is my sincere intention that this blog will be an occasion for taking hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of me. I welcome you to join me in rejoicing in the supremacy of Christ as the 'bottom line' measure of all things.

If it is true that 'when there are many words, transgression is unavoidable' (see Proverbs 10:19) and knowing that we will give account for every careless word (Matthew 12:36), I expect that my future blog entries will be both centered on the Scriptures, and relatively brief.

Look forward to a number of initial entries, and Lord willing, updates at least weekly.

So I invite your participation with the expectation both that Christ will be glorified and that you will be patient with this inexperienced blogger!

In His Grip,



  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, brother! I look forward to what the Lord puts on your heart to share with us.

  2. I'm stoked about this, Mark :).

    This is something I very much look to reading throughout this semester and joining you in bringing glory to our Most High God.


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